Tamper Resistant Sprinkler Head Conversion Kit
Upgrade your sprinkler system with our conversion kit for ease of installation, cost effectiveness, and safety.
You'll be able to convert from the old style obsolete head to a newer more reliable, and cost effective head.
Innovative Solutions
Our Conversion kits are available in wall application only at this time. We are working on making separate kits that will include only what is needed for either the wall mount or pendant mount in order to make the kits as cost effective as possible. At this time only the wall mount conversion kit is available but can be slightly altered by the installer using a different length 1/2" NPT extension along with a pendant style sprinkler head.
Please specify what color or finish you desire whether chrome or white when ordering your conversion kit.
NOTE: Our conversion kits DO NOT INCLUDE A SPRINKLER HEAD! You must purchase the sprinkler head separately.